- I’m Ren -

A self-taught IT professional driven by pursuit of knowledge and the magic of technology.

Read my full resume.

My favorite question is “why?”. Inspired by understanding the way things work at a fundamental level, I strive to one day be able to comprehend the things I can’t in the present.

My favorite pastimes are studying the latest exploits and penetration testing tools, taking apart old technology and putting it back together, and thinking about the future of information security and AI alignment.

I‘m a natural tinkerer and learn by trying to make fewer mistakes. There is nothing more thrilling than launching myself into an idea. My home lab is a never ending amalgam of devices and projects endeavoring to improve my life and the lives of others.

Read more about my home lab and current projects.

Cyber security is my passion and pursuit. It’s an endlessly fascinating science and ever-evolving art form in which there is no limit for growth.

A life-long musician, I take a creative approach to solving complex problems by blending knowledge and experience with a dash of improvisation.